A gripping odyssey across taiga and tundra.
Sometime in the last century, after the division into East and West, Rana lives with her father Atja and her dog Mano on a remote reindeer farm in the cold North. Atja keeps her safe, and Mano has been by her side—for as long as she can remember. But then the rain comes... and her world changes forever.

"RAIN/FALL - Nach dem Regen" is a gripping neo-horror-western by illustrator Arnulf Rödler (FALCO – Life and Death of Hans Hölzel) and author Daniel Andrew Wunderer (ACID Accessories). Perfect for fans of The Last of Us, Blueberry, and The Thing.
At the moment the book is only available in German. Please contact us, if you are interested in the English eBook.
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“...a gold standard in intelligent genre entertainment.”
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